AW Tozer, with that prophetic cayenne pepper of his, once said, “Protestantism is on the wrong road when it tries to win merely by means of a united front. It is not organizational unity we need most; the great need is power.†He is most certainly right. Politicians gerrymander coalitions through compromise and back-room deals. Corporations zig-zag to the whims of their customer base. Churches and denominations who are concerned about drawing the crowds fudge on the doctrines of our faith.
But, the success of the Gospel doesn’t hang on our ability to organize ourselves, our appeal to the masses, or our perfect harmony singing Kumbaya around the campfire. Rather, the Gospel hangs on the power of the Spirit in the living Word. As the Word is preached, as the Word is poured upon the head of covenant children and converts, as the Word is eaten in this bread and wine the Spirit makes it all potent.
Not just at Pentecost, not just in our moment of pandemic panic, but through all history the Church’s need is power from on high. Power to preach the efficacious Word with boldness. Power to resist sin in our lives, families, churches, and nations. Power to overcome the enemies of the Gospel. Power to be witnesses unto Christ, both in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to every nation, tribe, and tongue (Cf. Acts. 1:8). After all, in this meal we shew forth the Lord’s death (1 Cor. 11:26). As we eat this meal in faith, through the Spirit’s power we are witnesses. And this is our testimony, declared with power to the world, which we testify by this bread and wine: Christ died, Christ arose, and Christ is King of this world.
So come in faith, and welcome to Jesus.