Matthew, Mark, and Luke note that Jesus gave thanks for this meal and blessed it, sanctifying it by His prayer. John’s account of the Last Supper is similar but with a unique feature; it includes a full record of the prayer that Jesus prayed after the supper.
In that prayer, often called the High Priestly prayer, Jesus stands before the Father on behalf of the disciples and for those who would believe because of their testimony. He prays that His people might be made one, even as He and the Father are one. This meal before us was founded by Christ’s blessing, and it was concluded with intercessory prayer.
We’re called to imitate Christ. Now, we can’t imitate His final sacrifice for sin; sorry champ, you’re just not qualified for that. However, we ought to do as He did. One response which this meal should lead us to, is fervent prayer on behalf of others. Christ gave this meal to His disciples so they would memorialize and shew forth His death. He then concluded that meal and commenced His walk to the cross by interceding in prayer for them and for us.
So, we should do likewise. Receive this meal in gratitude, and under the Lord’s blessing. Then stand before the Father, because you are united with Christ, and plead with God on behalf of those in need.
Prayer is how the life of faith breathes. Christ has given us new life, by uniting us to Himself (symbolized in this meal). So now breathe in and out that Christ’s kingdom would come. Pray that God would compel the nations to join us here; bring home wandering sheep; convict hypocrites; undo wicked men’s plans; heal those too ill to even come to the house of the Lord; and pray that in all our dealings, we might show forth Christ’s death until He comes.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus…