The devastation of our first parents’ sin can’t be overstated. God set them as royalty, in a garden kingdom. Their sin took the precious gift they’d received, and dashed it to the ground like a glass bowl. The shards flew everywhere. No one could find out how to put it back together.
Baptism is God’s pledge that through Christ He puts broken things back together. By Baptism, God takes the calamitous ruin which is you, and unites you to the New Man. God doesn’t merely forgive us, sweeping away the broken shards of our sin. He also brings about our glorious restoration, and declares about us: there is no spot in thee (Sng. 4:7). Not just forgiven, but reckoned righteous in Christ. To quote a Christmas Carol, in May nonetheless:
Now display thy saving power,
Ruined nature now restore;
Now in mystic union join
Thine to ours, and ours to thine.
So welcome our sister & brothers to Jesus Christ…