The heartening news this week is that the Supreme Court is poised to roll back the scourge of Roe v. Wade. This is a tremendous victory in the fight for defending unborn babies. But victory must be accompanied by pursuit. If you rout your enemies, and then yawn while they retreat and rearm, you will find the victory is short-lived.
Our celebration of this pending ruling is in good order. Godly women should imitate Miriam and get out the tambourines in celebration of God’s deliverance. Godly men should raise a shout of joy for God’s sovereign hand being displayed.
And then, we should pursue the enemy. Many states like Colorado, New York, & California have enshrined draconian abortion laws, and the saints must assist in repealing such laws. We must call other nations to repentance for this particular bloodshed. Gender mutilation clinics need to be rid from our land. Porn must be given no quarter, that sniveling worm must no longer be allowed to be produced & consumed while hiding behind the banner of free speech.
This victory will be short-lived if it isn’t accompanied by vigorous repentance. The asterisk that accompanied several of Judah’s good kings was that “the high places were not taken away (2 Kings 14:4).” They brought about some level of reformation, but didn’t pursue when once the enemies of the Lord were routed.
Yet we serve a King who sits enthroned forever. Christ will not cease to conquer His enemies until all of them are subdued under His feet. So we shouldn’t cease to yield to His reign in us as individuals, families, states, and nations. For not the intrigues of Supreme Court clerks, nor the cudgel of wicked Executive Orders, nor weak-sauce ecclesiastical statements, nor even the gates of hell shall prevail against the Lord or His Anointed, our Lord Jesus.
God has brought about, by the strangest order of events (i.e. Trump, RBG’s death, COVID, leaked SCOTUS docs), a mighty deliverance. Who could have foreseen the way in which the Lord would work to answer our prayers to free us from the abomination of abortion, and yet He has so worked. While many who hate God are gnashing their teeth and screeching their demands to be free to murder their unborn, the Lord reminds us in His word that “such were some of you; but we are washed, but we are sanctified, but we are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”
May God forgive us as a nation for taking 50 years to undo this sin. May He forgive us as the church for harboring compromise in our own hearts and lives. May He forgive us in our families for the ways in which we’ve cherished the murderous thoughts of unrighteousness anger and rivalry toward our brother. May He forgive us individually for the times when we’ve called our own evil good, and good evil.
The battle isn’t done, but it must be fought by those with clean hands & pure hearts. The saints of God have only one way to overcome: the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We overcome by being justified freely by His grace, and then laboring according to His grace that works in us to do the good works He has prepared for us. And the basis of our testimony are these words of Gospel kindness, God has washed away all our sin, through Christ.