Last week I noted that the gender confusion in our culture stems from gender confusion in marriage. While Christian husbands must take primary responsibility for initiating this sinful dissolution, they’re not solely responsible. As some prophet once said, “It takes two to tango.” So, a few words for wives.
Wives, you are likened in Scripture to a garden, not a bank safe. Your husband is your head, not a safecracker. A husband who faithfully guards & provides shouldn’t discover that the garden has two-factor authentication set up with an encrypted 16 digit password that changes every other day. God calls wives to joyful submission to your own husband, not cryptic mind-games.
While a husband’s duty is to fill your body, closet, and cupboards, your duty is to receive. Unreceptive wives upend their household, compelling husband & child to search for a quiet spot up on the roof (Pro. 21:9, 19).
Without rushing to exceptional cases (like knucklehead husbands), your task is to help your husband, not thwart him at every turn. He shouldn’t be stymied as to how to get you to follow him, or respond to his initiation, or understand his will & desire for the shape and tenor of the home.
When a man finds a wife he finds a good thing. So wives, spread a feast of your graces and charms for your husband. You’re to be unto him a glory-crown. You’re to follow where he leads. You’re to be into him & his children (Tit. 2:4). Over time, a wife displays what sort of husband she’s married to. A husband striving after godliness should be accompanied by his wife’s demeanor of feminine godliness. In so doing, you wives imitate the church, as she receives grace from Christ & then displays the glory of Christ her Head.
Our culture has degraded women, because we in the church have not highly esteemed our calling to be the glorious bride of Your Son. Where men have abdicated, women have given in to the temptation to usurp. This has led to a bitter resentment of the weak men who fail to protect, and the abdication of men to flee from constant dripping of the contentious woman. Instead of the meek and quiet spirit of Sarah, women of this age have embraced the brawling brazenness of the strange woman.
The Church has failed in our obedience to conform to the duties which accompany how God made us as males and females. May God grant us humility to lead where we are called to lead, and to submit where we are called to submit. And may He present us unto the Son a bride without spot or blemish.
And always remember: God covers all sin. The sin of men and women. the sin of lazy husbands and usurping wives. The sin of parents and children. He covers that sin in one way, and one way alone: the precious blood of Jesus Christ.