All the glory of heaven, all the blessing of God’s presence, all the joy contained within the Godhead, all the love which flows from Father, to Son, to Spirit is yours to enjoy. And the sign that the Lord chose to assure you that this is true is a loaf & cup.
Though Christ wears the crown, the sign He gives us of our union with the Triune God is a loaf & a cup. Though Christ is the Word, and from His mouth goes forth that conquering sword of His everlasting kingdom, the sign of our welcome as true citizens of that Kingdom is a loaf & a cup. Though Christ suffered the shame of the cross, the sign of partaking with Him is a loaf & a cup. Though Christ is seated upon heaven’s throne, the sign of His rule in our midst is this visible word in these tokens of a loaf & a cup.
Men have imagined many vain ways to ascend to heaven. They think wars of conquest, seeking out mystic knowledge, or the construction of glorious ziggurats will allow them to come boldly into the blazing glory of God’s holy presence. But Jesus shows us that to come to God, you must come and partake of Him by this loaf and this cup. Not by the wisdom or might of men, but by the humble faith which lays hold of Christ.
When you take this Supper, your hands lay hold of Christ’s body broken, and His blood shed. But it does you no good if you do not take hold of Him by humble faith. A humbled faith is content with this humble sign. True faith sees a loaf of bread and cup of wine and comprehends the mystery. By the Holy Spirit this loaf & cup state that all of Christ is given to You.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…