Sin always brings about scattering. After the fall in Eden, we see that the family unit is fractured as Cain kills Abel; Cain’s descendants contend with Seth’s; at Babel humanist vain-glory resulted in wide-scale scattering. Due to Israel & Judah’s idolatry the Jews were exiled to Assyria and Babylon.
This, in part, is what made the covenant which God made with Abraham a true marvel of mercy. God promised Abraham a Seed, a Seed which would bring blessing to every nation. God was intent to regather mankind unto Himself. The Lord started by gathering one household. But that isn’t where He finished. From that one household a nation rose, and from that nation the Promised Christ was born. Christ is now gathering individuals, households, cities, and nations. The sign of baptism is the sign of His great gathering. To be gathered in by Christ is a summons to abide in Him by faith alone. Sin had scattered; but the grace of God in Christ is now gathering.
So welcome our brother to Jesus Christ…