The practice of paedobaptism is glorious, but perilous. The greatest peril is that of presumption. Both the Old & New Testament are emphatic that the just shall live by faith. Not by presumption.
Our nation, once Christian, is now running on the fumes of covenant presumption. We’re like a boy trying to ride his bike uphill, even though the chain fell off a mile back. Peddling harder won’t help. A child that is brought up in a home or culture of presumption will come to find no heat of love for God, no desire for holiness, no compulsion for obedience, no yearnings after glorifying God.
Which is why it is utterly necessary to accompany this sign with the Gospel call, to this child and all in my hearing, “You must be born again.” God calls you, if you would be justified in His sight, to believe in Christ by faith, all the days of your life.
So welcome our sister to Jesus Christ…