God commands us to draw near to Him. But if you look at yourself, you might be tempted to draw back. The only way to draw near to God is by first admitting how unworthy you are to do so. God must do something first in order for us to come into the blessing of His presence.
Our sinful actions and sinful natures must both be dealt with. He does this by justifying us freely by His grace, which we receive by faith alone. Faith isn’t a bare minimum good work which God requires before He’ll act with grace towards us. Rather, it’s the first in a long line of gracious gifts to us.
Baptism signifies your union with Christ. Meaning, your sinful acts are forgiven & your sinful nature is covered by the righteousness of Christ. Baptism into Christ grants you covenantal privilege to be drawn up into the pleasure of God. This meal assures us that God delights to bring us near, to bring us into the warmth of His presence without any asterisks over us. Listen to the Heidelberg Catechism’s words of comfort:
Like a hand to the body, or the bone with the flesh, so by grace God has drawn you into union with Himself by Christ. You aren’t consigned to the dwell in the outskirts of glory. You are invited to the inner circle, because you are in Christ, and He is in You.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…