The Word of God is a sword. It slays lies with the truth. It lops off the heads of draconian vanities. It flays the sacrifice, that it might be rightly offered up. It cuts down the hypocrite who trusts in his own power to save himself.
The Word of God is a seed. It is scattered into the hearts of mankind, and where it finds fertile soil it bears much fruit. It germinates more faith, and perpetuates a greater and greater harvest of faith, 30, 60, 100-fold. It even causes the wilderness to bloom forth into an oasis of life (Is. 35).
The Word of God is a scepter. It is the confirmation as to who the lawful authority is. It is the measure for righteousness. It is the bar of true justice. It is extended in favor to the meek, but it is raised in condemnation towards the rebellious who would wrest it from Jehovah’s hand.
The Word of God is a hammer. It breaks. It builds. It chisels. It fits things together. It is the Lord’s tool of choice. It both removes that which doesn’t belong, and it arranges the stones in perfect order, fixes the beams into immovable joints, and erects a glorious sanctuary.
The Word of God is water. It cleanses away filth. It fits us for service in God’s courts. It refreshes us, alleviates our thirst, and causes the fruits of grace to ripen in our lives.
The Word of God is food. It nourishes our faith. It feeds us with heavenly manna. Bread that won’t grow stale. Wine that won’t go sour. It is more than our daily bread, for this food gives strength to both body & soul.
All of this is laid before you here. You take & eat the Word. The Word which cuts you & breaks you; builds you, and makes you.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…