The New Covenant promise, as articulated in Ezekiel 36:25-27, is that the Lord will cleanse us from our filthiness & idolatry. He will take out the stony heart, and give a heart of flesh. He will put His Spirit within us. As if all that wasn’t good enough, He will cause us to walk in His statutes.
Baptism into Christ is this promise made visible. Cleansing from sin. A new heart. The Holy Spirit indwelling. And grace to keep God’s holy law. Under the Old Covenant the Law was a schoolmaster demonstrating our complete inability to fulfill God’s law. Now, Christ is the eternal sacrifice that truly cleanses your sin, but He also dwells in you, by His Spirit, imparting strength to live uprightly. Grace in your justification and in your sanctification. And, as the charge puts it, this little one still knows nothing of it. This is the glory of the New Covenant.
So welcome our sister to Jesus Christ…