Some shroud this meal in mystery and dark clouds of unknowable mists. It is thought that the sacraments should be vague, shadowy, and too high for the common man to contemplate. But this is contrary to the entire warp & woof of Scripture’s revelation.
In the wonderful works of God, His Spirit always brings the light of glory. When God made the world, the Trinity in Unity was at work. The Father presiding & speaking, the Word upholding, and the Spirit bringing light & life in the darkness and formlessness of the world.
Once more, when God cut a covenant with Abram, the glory of the Spirit appeared as a smoking furnace & burning pot passing through the divided animals, bringing covenantal light and assurance to Abram. To a thousand generations, God’s blessing was promised to this man who had come out from Ur of the Chaldees.
When Moses set up the the tabernacle, and all was in accordance with God’s revealed will on Sinai, fire-light fell. Showcasing that God’s presence would indeed dwell in the midst of His people. And once again at Solomon’s temple, the fire-light of the Spirit consumed the sacrifice and filled the temple with glory.
All of this was foreshadowing the glory-fire that came to dwell within us by Christ sending forth his Spirit on the glorious day of Pentecost. In the coming of the Spirit, the fire-light of God’s glory had come. Christ’s earthly work & ministry, in obedience to the Father, was ratified by the tongues of fire on Pentecost. True comfort had come, for the Comforter had come to dwell in all of God’s people.
In this meal, the glory-light of the Spirit descends to shine once more. As we behold the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, the Spirit shines in us, as we taste the bread of assurance, and drink the wine of Gospel comfort.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ.