We are told that that this cup is a cup of blessing. We should consider, then, what God teaches us to do with blessings. If your mindset surrounding God’s blessings to you is to become a doomsday-prepper, jarring & canning all the blessings in order to line the shelves of your tornado shelter, you have missed an important element of the nature of God’s blessings. They go bad if you try to confine them, hoard them, or bottle them up for a rainy day.
This principle is demonstrated all around us, but take, for example, the blessing of marriage. The mutual love which the husband and wife bestow upon each other replicates and becomes offspring. Couples who impose childlessness upon themselves are misusing the blessing of marriage, and as such the blessing goes stale. But in the giving away of the blessing, more blessings come. When your children grow into adulthood, you ought not hold them hostage. Rather, you send them out with your blessing, in order to increase the blessing through the formation of their own households, fruitful endeavors, and conquests.
God demonstrates this reality for us. Father, Son, and Spirit exist in the everlasting blessedness of pure delight & love. Yet God determined to create this world in order to fill it with manifold displays of His goodness. That’s why butterflies have colorful wings, and resplendent nebulas birth new stars, and sunrises parade in changing robes of grey & red & gold.
But God’s generosity of blessing is on fullest display here: in the body of Christ, given for you. The Father crushed His Son, the One most blessed forever, to bring about greater blessedness in our redemption. And so, God shows you how to both receive and give blessings. You receive it in order to spread it around in order for it to return to you once more in increased glory.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…