You’re Gonna Want the Men Around
My friend, Pastor Toby, recently wrote a great piece highlighting the admonition of Lemuel’s mother in Proverbs 31 that he not give his strength to women. Men are prone to abdicate their responsibility, and rather than truly lead and care for those who they are called to lay their lives down for, they bequeath their strength and pitifully forfeit leadership to the women in their lives. This leads to a whole world of iniquity for both the man, and the women in his life. Toby called men to be strong, and to lead. This exhortation though was received with numerous objections. “What about abusive men?” And such winning sentiments as “patriarchy itself is a form of abuse.” I’d already begun work on this post, and thought that some of Toby’s thoughts, as well as those of his interlocutors, would be useful to tie in here.
The 21st century is deeply confused over which end is up. For over a generation, the feminists have marched to “smash the patriarchy.” Cowardly men have muttered under their stale breath at how they just “disagree with how things are, they just ain’t right,” as they grab another beer, and settle into the couch. Wicked men, have been eager participants in cheering on the downfall of masculine leadership because it removes the inconvenience of facing the consequences which masculine leadership brings. Nothing intimidates wicked men more than righteous men, it is why the wicked plot the demise of the righteous (Ps. 37:32). The civil magistrate bears the sword to reward the righteous and restrain and punish the wicked. The sword is intrinsically masculine. You want righteous men representatively wielding the sword of justice.
Multiplying the Wicked
However, what we are currently observing is that when once you have allegedly smashed the patriarchy, what you get in its place is the sinister sneer of the perverts. History shows that when virtuous men fail to lead and protect, bad men are happy to rape and plunder. “When the wicked rise, men hide themselves,” as the proverb puts it (Pr. 28:28). And another proverb for good measure, “When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth (Pr. 29:16).” Masculine leadership is most certainly not the problem when it comes to the now endless stream of sexual abuse stories. What we have is a failure of masculine leadership. Remove righteous men from authority, you will not get a decrease in abusive men, you will get an increase and a multiplication of wicked men at all levels.
[epq-quote align=”align-right”]Remove righteous men from authority, you will not get a decrease in abusive men, you will get an increase and a multiplication of wicked men at all levels.[/epq-quote]The solution to what the feminists are outraged over (and in many instances rightfully so) is found in submitting to and obeying God’s law. The best way to stop wicked, lecherous men, is to confront them with the hurdle of good men. The patriarchal system of Israel––with men set up over 10s, 50s, 100s etc.––insisted that a rapist be put to death (Deu. 22:25), and even adultery carried the death penalty (Lev. 20:10, cf. Ex. 20:14). It is the feminine sensibilities of nurture and charity which have been perverted to slacken the courage of righteous men in executing severe punishment on wrong-doers. You want justice served to the perverts, seek to place godly, fearless, courageous men in civic authority.
The Inescapability of Masculine Authority
The way God created the world is inescapable. We live in an age that is attempting to rebel against God and nature. Cultures throughout history have rebelled against God and nature before, and without fail their empires are now dust, haunted by jackals. God made man first, and the woman second. He set man as the head of the woman, and this is an inescapable fact. Men are designed to be initiators. If these men are submitted to God’s Word, they will, on the whole, initiate and lead virtuously. They will work hard, put food on the table, and chase away robbers in the middle of the night with their shotgun. They will take their families to church, discipline the foolishness out of their children, instill the importance and joy of hard work, and tell great stories after dinner. The majority of godly men in my acquaintance are like this, and their wives are happy to have it so and wouldn’t want it otherwise.
But conversely, if men are allowed to “define their own truth” (as feminists have insisted our culture do), these men will initiate and lead: viciously. When men are given over to their own heart’s desires, the wickedness of their heart will soon be ruled by every vice under the sun. They will be––in the older sense of the word––vicious. The guardrails of Christian virtues protect the whole society. However, tear these down, and lecherous men will immediately put they warty hands on the wheel and take the whole caravan off into the porn-fields to smoke the greed. These sort of men want ownership, without responsibility. They may own the trailer, but based on the height of the weeds, the smell of the place, and the half-dozen broken lawn mowers, they have taken no responsibility.
Smashing the patriarchy will not bring about an egalitarian utopia, it will only create a leadership vacuum that will inevitably be filled with men who are demon-worshippers. Such sons of Belial will always insist on having temple prostitutes readily available, and that the expediency of offering their offspring to the fires of Molech never be restrained. They will rape and feast, and the only way to stop them is to put the sword into the hand of righteous men.