Thy Kingdom Come: Studies in Daniel and Revelation by Rousas John Rushdoony
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I picked up Rushdoony’s commentary on Daniel and Revelation and couldn’t put it down. It was a tremendously delightful, inspiring, convicting, and insightful read. It can’t be stated enough that the Christian faith is an eschatologically optimistic one. We all too often have a pessimistic view of end times stuff; it tends to be much doom and gloom, rather than the victory which Scripture describes it to be. I found many quotable sections, and if you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you probably noticed a good deal of quotes from Rushdoony (all from this book). This book would be a helpful introduction to the preterist/postmillennial eschatological perspective.
The first few chapters are little cumbersome and heady, and at a few points Rushdoony displays a lack of charity for differing viewpoints. However, if you believe you’re in the truth, you ought to hold tightly to it, which he does; I would hope for a bit more geniality and winsomeness. Nevertheless, it was truly a wonderful and encouraging read, and I have a hunch I will reference this little volume often.
Rushdoony helps bring clarity to the symbolism of prophecy, as well as showing Revelation’s correct rooting: the Old Testament. We are often confounded by the pictures used in the final book of the Bible, but if we thought in terms of Biblical symbolism, imagery, and how the OT prophets speak we would avoid much of the outlandish ideas about John’s apocalyptic vision!
I’ve attached all the quotes I posted online for your enjoyment, and to entice you to read the book (and follow me on twitter/facebook):
The modern lust in religion & all of life for a battle-free victory is only escapism of the ugliest sort. RJ Rushdoony
— Ben Zornes (@benzornes) September 5, 2015
Acceptance into Christ’s army means not deliverance from battle but deliverance from defeat. RJ Rushdoony
— Ben Zornes (@benzornes) September 5, 2015
The church that seeks the FORM rather than the POWER of life is in full retreat from life & from Christ. RJ Rushdoony
— Ben Zornes (@benzornes) September 5, 2015
One can’t love God without hating all that He hates & all that which opposes Him. Men who can’t hate are beyond love also… RJ Rushdoony
— Ben Zornes (@benzornes) August 29, 2015
Men and nations want to believe in their autonomy, their independence of God; they prefer to see themselves as masters…
Posted by Ben Zornes on Thursday, August 13, 2015
If the church confines its teachings to “spiritual” matters, it must neglect most of Scripture, which speaks to man’s condition in every area of life. RJ Rushdoony
Posted by Ben Zornes on Tuesday, September 22, 2015
For too many people, the purpose of any reading of Revelation is to enable them to walk by sight. They demand a chart…
Posted by Ben Zornes on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
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