Isaiah by J. Alec Motyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Motyer’s commentary on Isaiah was marvelous. Commentaries, at least in some circles, often carry a negative connotation. And, to be fair, there are some commentaries out there that fit the caricature of a stale & lifeless outline of the mere words of Scripture.
Motyer, however, overwhelmingly soars with an aim to exalt the heart of the text of Isaiah: a coming King, a promised Servant, an Anointed One. He was indeed very exact and thorough in his overview of this wonderful section of Scripture, but he was rarely needlessly tedious, and overall was profound, useful and best of all Christ-centered.
One quote to whet your appetite for more:
“The particular value of the doctrine of God the Creator is, of course, that it brings all that is true about God to bear on this world. Consider, then, the absurdity of losing faith in One who, in relation to the earth, is all-powerful, all-wise, dominant, wit no god to challenge, check or rival Him, King of kings, sovereignly in charge of His world down to the smallest detail so that everything is in its place, nothing overlooked, nothing lost.”
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