Too often, the Sword of the Word is used as if it were a topical ointment. Many cannot endure sound doctrine, and so they insist that the Sword of the Word be blunted through compromise with worldliness, dulled by fear of man, and dinted through hypocritical living. Anything but a sharp blade. Soothing words of false peace are preferred to the sharp words of true conviction. Whether it be in the operating room or on the battle field the blade must be sharp. Removing a tumor can’t be done by dull scalpels. Defeating a foe on the field can’t be done with a plastic sword.
It must not be forgotten that the Lord’s Supper is a Word which we eat. This Word is sharp. Christ doesn’t wield this Word haphazardly. The Corinthians, mind you, were warned that eating this meal unworthily carried damnation with it. After all, to eat this meal is to be cut by the sword of truth, it is to pass under the knife of conviction.
Are you an enemy of Christ? This meal will be to you as the flaming sword of Eden, barring you from the tree of life. Are you riddled with sin? This meal will be to you the surgeon’s scalpel removing the terminal cancer. When you partake this Supper by faith, you don’t meet the sword of the destroyer, but the sword of deliverance. Meet here not the knife of the robber, but the Great Physician’s healing blade. Meet here not the sword of ruination, but the pruning shears of the Master Gardener.
Nevertheless, one thing this Word cannot be is dull. This Word made the world. This Word severed Goliath’s head. This Word cuts between soul & spirit, bone & marrow. This Word thundered on Sinai, and died on Calvary. This Word is bread & wine, and it is sword & scalpel.
So come in faith and welcome to Jesus Christ…
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