Theonomy in Christian Ethics by Greg L. Bahnsen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Theonomy was an enormously helpful enormous book; the sort that takes a while to work through, but is replete with a great wealth of insights into the application of the Old Testament laws in the New Testament era. While this thinking is not new to me, this book is the most thorough and helpful exposition on how the Old Testament pertains to and is binding upon believers of both testaments. As I read through this I was grateful for such a well studied and well written defense of why Christians can and should believe the whole Bible. Bahnsen threads the needle of why God’s law must be the standard for sin and righteousness, but the law is not to be the means whereby salvation is earned. Further, this is not advocating “judaizing” NT Christians. Some Christians I know have begun observing OT laws, ceremonies and festivals thinking they are recovering God’s law. They are in fact missing some of the key distinctions which Jesus and the Apostles made as it regarded how we should understand and obey God’s law as revealed unto Moses. Highly recommend this for people who, you know, want to obey the whole Bible.
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