Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland H. Bainton
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Really wonderful. Obviously, a biography on such a man as Luther has good source material to work with, and Bainton masterfully tells the story of Luther’s life and all the many twists and turns which that story has. Bainton concisely describes much of the theological, political, and cultural climate in which Luther’s reforming work took place.
Luther was indeed a great man, and the drama of his story is gripping to read. This is really a worthwhile biography, full of the marrow of the Gospel which Luther discovered and proclaimed. His happy recovery of justification by faith alone carried all sorts of implications and was ordained and used by God to bring about one of the most notable revivals in history. We stand on his shoulders and would do well to learn from Luther, and endeavor to be such men in the hour God has placed us. This is really an enjoyably written book, full of scholastic insight, devotional encouragement, and inspiring stories of God’s grace unto and through Luther. Highly recommended!
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