There is a nefarious lust within us as humans. It’s a craving for uniqueness, originality, and innovation. This is seen clearly in how insistent modern man is on society’s unquestioned acceptance of every person’s supposedly unique identity. It also shows up the erasure of great men and women from history. We don’t want to be reminded of the glories of past generations because that would cast a shade on our lame livestream.
No matter how dearly we believe in our individuality and uniqueness, there’s a truth that haunts at every turn: absolutely everything you are and do is imitative. Peter tells us that we receive a “vain tradition” from our forefathers; a tradition of conformity to sin (1 Pt. 1:14,18). Solomon tells us there’s nothing new under the sun (Ecc. 1:9). Generations rise and fall, but they invariably follow each other’s footsteps of folly.
This craving for uniqueness is a race to escape the reality of our human nature. You were made to mirror God’s glory as a free creature of a Sovereign God. To despise this truth is to despise your humanity, and to succumb to beast-hood; descending into the thoughtlessness of a herd creature.
Every glory of art, science, literature, music, and mathematics accomplished by mankind is a borrowed glory. It is a grain of sand on the shore of the brilliance of God’s creative decrees. Our sub-creations borrow every molecule from the Mouth which spoke it into being. Our symphonies are mere echoes of the vibrations of the Spirit over the waters. Our inventions are more accurately described as unveilings of God’s infinite innovation.
So then, to be truly human is to be humble before the Triune God. Acknowledge Him as Lord over all, and so make and be and do in the light of His splendor. Content in Him we find true goodness.
It was pride which drug Lucifer from his height, and so too our first parents were deluded with the notion of partaking of “god-ness” without first humbling themselves before God. Our cultural obsession with being unique and standing out and being different are all irritating notes that are too flat or sharp; this song of our arrogance carries no melody and will abide no harmonies. May God forgive us for rejoicing in the dimness of our own light, when everything we are and have and do come from the light of His glory. May we be humble, that we might be raised up in the glory of our union with Jesus, the true image of the invisible God.
By humbling yourself before God, confessing your sins to Him, you do not lose yourself, instead you find glory. Scripture makes it plain that the path to glory comes first through humility before God.