In this chapter we have two splendors. On one hand we have a hero of the faith, contending, almost entirely alone against error and as a result keeping the early church from sliding into a grievous error. The reason he does so is because of the greater splendor, that of the Gospel of justification by faith alone.
The Text
Then fourteen years after I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, and took Titus with me also. And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain. But neither Titus, who was with me, being a Greek, was compelled to be circumcised: And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: To whom we gave place by subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. […]
Galatians 2:1ff
Summary of the Text
Remember that Paul swore before God as to the veracity of his record (1:20). So we must either believe him, or accuse him of falsehood. Now, he has related one trip to Jerusalem in Galatians 1:18-20 which corresponds to Acts 9:26-30, here in our text (Galatians 2:1-10) he relates another trip to Jerusalem, which I believe must be the famine relief trip recorded in Acts 11:27-30, 12:25. This famine was foretold by prophetic vision (Acts 11:28), which is what Paul seems to be referring to in Gal. 2:2 when he says they went up “by revelation”. It is important for the arguments which Paul will make later that we note here that if this was written after the Jerusalem council to the Northern Galatians, then Paul’s sworn record is false for failing to cite the visit to Jerusalem for that vitally important council.
So then, the visit to Jerusalem for famine relief was without fanfare, lest Paul’s mission get gummed up with unnecessary disputes (v2). Titus, a Greek, was with Paul on this trip, but was not compelled to be circumcised (v3). But there was clear pressure, from false brethren, to subject Titus (and therefore all Gentile believers) to this rite (vv4-5). But after conferring with Peter, James, and John, those apostles gave the right hand of fellowship confirming that the ministry to the uncircumcised really had been given with heavenly might unto Paul and as the ministry to the circumcision was proper to Peter (vv6-9). The only stipulation was that Paul remember the poor, which Paul was only too happy to oblige (v10).
The dangerous error which was troubling the Galatians was spreading, and Paul relates an intriguing episode between him and Peter. Peter came up to Antioch, and was happy to dine with Gentiles (Cf. Mk. 7), that is until some of James’ colleagues from Jerusalem arrived. Peter, because he was afraid, withdrew from table fellowship with Gentiles. This act was so pregnant with meaning that even Barnabas was led astray (vv11-13, Cf. Acts 15:39). Paul publicly rebuked Peter’s hypocrisy, and is, of course, committing his public rebuke to the public record (v14). Paul’s rebuke was this, “How dare you freely act as a Gentile one moment, and then browbeat the Gentiles to adopt Jewish manners the very next!”
Paul then transitions from timeline to theology. The Jews of all people, unlike the sinful heathens, ought to know that from top to bottom we are justified not by our works of righteousness but by the faith of Christ (vv15-16, Hab. 2:4, Ps. 143:2). Christ’s coming had really changed the cosmos. Jews who would be justified by Christ must first recognize that they are categorically kin with Gentiles: sinners (Rom. 3:9, 2:15). But this arrangement doesn’t make Christ a minister of sin (v17). Paul didn’t preach a Gospel of gluing the shattered tablets of stone back together, only to break them again (v18); rather, the Gospel is that by faith in Christ we die to the law, and live to God (v19). The law was put in place in order to kill the old man, in order to bring to life a new man. Nevertheless, this union with Christ is only made possible by His crucifixion, which we are joined to by faith alone; for righteousness is only found in Christ’s death (vv20-21).
Pillars of a New Temple
The old Jerusalem was being replaced by a new Jerusalem. A new temple, with a chief cornerstone had been established, and the pillars of Herod’s temple had been supplanted by living apostolic pillars. Therefore, it would be like trying to time travel backward through time to go back to law-keeping as if nothing had been altered. This new temple had apostolic pillars, carved from Jewish marble, but it also had living stones cut from a Gentile quarry. Paul relates that the Gospel he had been preaching from his conversion was completely in line with the Gospel which the other apostles preached. It was not at all at odds. It was as Isaiah had foretold, the mountain of the Lord (the temple) would be exalted over all the earth, with Gentiles streaming into it, being incorporated into the service of it, and it being made a house of prayer for all nations (Is. 2:2, 56:6-7).
From Paul’s conversion (near Jerusalem), his visit with Peter in Jerusalem after three years in Arabia, and then his private conference with Peter and James 14 years later he had been preaching this Gospel of the coming of Israel’s Messiah, the Resurrection, and therefore the blessing of deliverance from sin for all nations. Paul insists that the other apostles “added nothing” to Paul’s Gospel (2:6). In other words, those who wanted Gentiles to submit to the law-keeping (as represented in the sign of circumcision) were missing the central glory of the Gospel.
The Judaizers, not unlike many modern apparently well-meaning charlatans, likely presented themselves as discipleship gurus. They came with an ethos of “we’re here to help.” But though they appeared to be putting training wheels on the discipleship of Gentiles, they were in fact removing the bike chain, popping the tires, and cutting the brake cords. It was the Judaizers, and those who were swayed by their arguments––Peter in particular––who were not “walking uprightly according to the truth of the gospel”. They moved, not Paul; and most certainly not the Gospel.
We can turn into Judaizers in our personal relationships. This is particularly true when it comes to parenting. Instead of the baseline being the Gospel truths which we confess our children are partakers of when we bring them to the waters of baptism, we treat them as if they must run the gauntlet of good behavior in order to earn our favor. This is not to say that your home should be like a lawless frontier town. Rather, your relationships, especially with your children should front load the Gospel. As you discipline your children, do not neglect to discipline in the context of their being partakers of Christ’s death and resurrection which they are united to in their baptism.
The Faith of Christ
This portion of Scripture is a priceless cask of the finest wine. You do not find right standing before God by keeping the law. Rather, your faith must be in the faith of Christ. This is a curious phrase that is used twice here (2:15, 20), and once in the next chapter (3:22). Paul will flesh this out more as he goes on, but the sword-point of His argument is that it is by Christ’s perfect righteousness, including His faith in all of God’s promises, by which you are justified. Of old, God had made great promises to His people; Jesus Christ believed all these with a perfect faith and received the inheritance that came along with that faith.
So the Gospel, as always, is the glory of glories. Sin is the transgression of the law. Yet God assures you that all of it, the very worst of it, the sin that you committed willfully, with eyes wide open and heart hardened, is entirely forgiven if you come by faith to Christ. We often want to rush in and add stipulations about living righteously and obediently. Paul will soon explain what the Christian’s life looks like, and it is certainly not marked by continuing in sin. But the scandalous glory of the Gospel is in this: you are crucified with Christ. That means if you look in faith to Christ, your sins, every damn one, is forgiven.
Charge & Benediction
The Gospel really is liberation from the stifling guilt and shame of your sin, it really is liberty. It really is a new life. It really is the foundation. Being justified freely by His grace is not an entry level course that you must pass in order to get to the more complicated secrets of life. This is the pure gift of God’s grace to you, to your children, and those who are afar off. The Gospel is the atmosphere that makes every other aspect of life possible. So, be zealous for it.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26