It’s important to regularly remind ourselves of two things regarding baptism. First, this isn’t just a bare religious rite. What we do here isn’t just a “Christian” version of a religious initiation ceremony. Baptism isn’t akin to climbing some mountain, making a pilgrimage to a holy site, or washing in some “sacred” river. This sign is performative. It does what it says. It promises union with Christ, & it delivers.
Which brings us to the second thing we must remember here. Baptism is an objective sign that unites you to a Living Christ. Jesus rose from the grave, thus assuring us that this sign can effect what it promises. Dead faith turns baptism into a quaint ceremony, because it makes the symbol greater than the Savior. But we aim to keep both things together: a potent sign which truly unites us to the omnipotent Christ.
So welcome covenant children to Jesus Christ…
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