When we face sorrow and difficulty, what is our initial reaction? Most of us turn to our own resources and ply our mental energy to its utter limit, seeking how to finagle out of the pain or difficulty. Anxiety is a form of unbelief. It is trusting in ourselves thinking that if we worry long enough and hard enough we can change black hair to white (Matt. 5:36). True Christianity must rest upon the peace Christ alone brings. He is a friend that cannot fail. I stumbled across this poem, and found it to be a precious gem to light the shadows of our earthly pilgrimage. I hope it encourages you, no matter if the sun is at its zenith, or if it is blackest midnight.

J. Swain
   Christ a True Friend. Prov. 17. 17; 18. 24
   1   A Friend there is, your voices join,
           Ye saints, to praise his name,
       Whose truth and kindness are divine,
           Whose love’s a constant flame.
   2   When most we need his helping hand,
           This Friend is always near;
       With heaven and earth at his command,
           He waits to answer prayer.
   3   His love no end or measure knows;
           No change can turn its course;
       Immutably the same, it flows
           From one eternal source!
   4   When frowns appear to veil his face,
           And clouds surround his throne,
       He hides the purpose of his grace,
           To make it better known.
   5   And if our dearest comforts fall
           Before his sovereign will,
       He never takes away our all –
           Himself he gives us still.
   6   Our sorrows in the scale he weighs,
           And measures out our pains;
       The wildest storm his word obeys;
           His word its rage restrains.
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