I usually go over these questions with my kiddos shortly before we head to church. Thought it might be useful for others. Enjoy and make it your own.
- Who made you? God.
- What else did God make? Everything.
- Why did God make you and all things? For His own Glory.
- Why do we go to church? To worship the Lord.
- How do we worship the Lord? In Spirit and in Truth.
- What does it mean to worship the Lord in Spirit? We worship Him from the heart.
- What does it mean to worship the Lord in Truth? We worship Him according to the Bible.
- Who do we worship the Lord with? All of God’s people.
- Who are God’s people? Those who are baptized & believe.
- Are you baptized? Yes.
- What does your baptism mean? That I belong to Jesus.
- Are you going to take the Lord’s Supper? Yes.
- What does the bread & wine remind us of? Jesus body and Jesus blood.
- Do you believe all this? Yes
- Bonus Question. Should you wiggle or fuss? No!
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