Ah, what days we ‘mericans are living in. Sex-symbols who have spent their lives making money off of objectifying women through so-called “entertainment”, spent a whole weekend protesting our new President who is a notoriously braggadocios womanizer; this new President, however, threatens to cut off access to the heinous rite of abortion, which these protestors insist is quite sacred and necessary to their happiness.
A few observations then, shall we? One of the demands of these tizzy party protesters is equality. They are the downtrodden of the earth, and with their sacrosanct p••••-hats nesting atop their head, they demand to be treated with equanimity & seriousness. The ingratitude is quite repulsive; even the poorest American has it better off than the average Lithuanian (ranked 49th on the list of GDP per capita). They decry the “1%”, but the data tells us that “the U.S. represents 4.5% of global population but nearly 30% of its total GDP.” In essence, honey, you are the “1%”.<fn>https://mic.com/articles/2636/compared-to-the-rest-of-the-world-americans-are-all-the-1#.cZX8E5ez1</fn>
Furthermore, the vulgarity which was on display was quite telling; they claim to be repulsed by Trump’s “rhetoric” and how it demeaned women. Yet, many of these celebrities don’t blink twice when they say and do the same sorts of things in the name of their art, performance, entertainment. The same group demands that gender is fluid, but they screech for “women’s rights”. My dear, “woman” is no more; that term might trigger someone who identifies as a gay man, but was born a straight woman. The term “women’s rights” might summon up for “him” thoughts of the patriarchal system of our ancestors.
Speaking of the patriarchy–you know the oppressive system where the father is the head of the home–the patriarchy that gave us modern comforts such as hair-driers, light-bulbs, and cars. The patriarchy that bled on these shores for their very liberty which allows you to express your views. The sad truth of the thing is that the lunacy of all this screeching for equality is asking for dry water, and a lightless sun.
Equality has come to mean something vastly different from the impartiality with which it ought to be synonymous with. Rather, it demands that a woman should be allowed to writhe and contort her body in a sexual way (as Scarlett Johansen, Madonna, Miley Cyrus and these other spokes-babes often do), yet expect men to not see it as what it is: sexually arousing.
They want to get paid for trotting the pleasures of the marriage bed onto the stage and the screen, but do not want the responsibility of perpetuating the pornification of our boys and men, which produces men who come to view the female body as a disposable pleasure, sort of like pizza pockets, or Coors Light. If they want dignity, they’re barking up the wrong doctrinal tree. Secularism reduces all of us to disposable blobs of tissue; it, in fact, objectifies us all. Christianity glorifies men and women. Of course, all mankind should be treated with impartiality, respect, and dignity; but the only basis for that dignity is found in the Christian Gospel.
The Bible does not produce oppressed women; sin in man produces oppressed women. The Bible offers the cure: a new heart, through the good news of Christ’s atoning work on the cross. We cannot legislate or protest our way out of the mess we are in. We must repent of our hatred towards God, His Word, and His Church.
However, a word to Trump supporters. I didn’t vote for Trump, for I found him, his policies and his lack of forthrightness on what his undergirding principles were appalling. That said, many of his appointees, and some of his executive orders “repealing” Obama’s overreaches are moves in the right direction. I am ready to applaud where he happens to reduce the size of government, and I’m prepared to oppose his overreaches. You should be prepared to do so as well.
Now, to Christians caught in the thick of all this. Many Christians who opposed Trump have made the mistake of lumping in their loyalty with the aforementioned “tizzy party”. Christian Trumpers though are showing a dangerous amount of blind loyalty to Trump. I saw both “sides” bickering over whether Obama or Trump had more people at his inauguration. This is a profound case of the pettiness that is causing our inability to have a grown-up debate on all these issues. A Christian’s loyalty must rest with King Jesus alone, and then, in allegiance to Him, we submit to how His Word commands we build our culture.[epq-quote align=”align-left”]A Christian’s loyalty must rest with King Jesus alone, and then, in allegiance to Him, we submit to how His Word commands we build our culture.[/epq-quote]
Finally, and then I promise I’ll be done for now, these protesters need to realize that letting movie stars and people like Madonna lecture the American people is precisely how Trump was elected in the first place. Enough Americans were tired of being told–by leftist celebrities–what to think and what they must embrace. I read recently that over the last several presidential cycles the average TV clip of a candidate has gone from 49 seconds down to 7 seconds. It maybe is no wonder that we can’t seem to have an intelligent conversation, when our attention span can’t handle patiently following an argument without wondering: “Where’s  some poster-board and a Sharpie?”
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Are the marchers stupid or blinded?
Spiritual blindness is the epitome of folly.